How to Get Rid of Mold in Bathroom (Practical Guide)

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Mold in your bathroom can be quite frustrating. The tenacious and ugly mold may deface your bathroom and make it less appealing than it should naturally be.

Sometimes, despite your best efforts at keeping it at bay, it may repeatedly constitute a nuisance, the more reason you shouldn’t spare any attempt at getting rid of it.

How best can you get rid of mold in your bathroom?

This is a question a lot of people are seeking answers for, and that is why we present to you this practical guide on how to get rid of mold in the bathroom.

How to Get Rid of Mold in Bathroom Swiftly

How to Get Rid of Mold in Bathroom Swiftly

Here are some tested and proven tips that can successfully make your bathroom mold-free:

1. Use Vinegar

Vinegar has over the years proven to be one of the most effective cleaning solutions for mold. Researches show that it is an effective killer of 82% of all mold species. Thus, if you use it appropriately, it will assist you in getting rid of mold in your bathroom.

This is a step-by-step guide on how to use vinegar to effectively get rid of mold that is growing and constituting a nuisance in your bathroom:

  • Get a spray bottle and pour some mild white vinegar into it. Leave the vinegar in its concentrated state without diluting it with water. Vinegar is naturally acidic, and that explains why it is an effective anti-mold agent. Diluting it will water down its effectiveness and defeat the purpose of using the cleaning agent.
  • Spray the affected areas with the vinegar and then wait for about an hour. Then, open your bathroom windows to let the vinegar smell go out and allow fresh air to come in.
  • After the expiration of an hour, wipe the cleaned area completely clean with hot water and a towel. Make sure that you wipe the cleaned are dry as a preventive measure against the mold growing back again.

You can keep a bottle of the spray handy for use on surfaces that seem prone to mold. That will prevent them from growing and reduce the need to remove mold from time to time.

2. Bleach and Baking Soda

If after removing the mold it leaves a stain behind, the best way to remove the stain is to form a solution of baking soda and bleach. You can prepare the solution and described below and use it as recommended:

  • Mix 1 cup of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of liquid soap. You can add a few drops of peppermint, lavender, citrus, and other essential oil to the solution.
  • In order to make the needed paste, add the right quantity of water to the solution.
  • Put 2 parts water and 1 part bleach in another bowl and add the mixture to another spray bottle.
  • Spray the area with the bleach solution and let it dry.
  • Spray the area again with the bleach solution after the sprayed place has dried and remove the stain with a brush.
  • When you are through, rinse the bathroom wall with clean water. You may repeat the process if there is a need for that.
  • Sometimes, you may have to replace the caulking or grout.

These are two of the best ways you can get rid of mold in your bathroom. However, rather than always take the pain to get rid of this irritating mold, there are some preventive measures you can adopt to prevent it from growing in your bathroom.

How do You Prevent Mold in the Bathroom?

How do You Prevent Mold in the Bathroom

Keeping your bathroom mold-free is a must if you desire a safe, clean, and healthy bathroom. It is a great way to prevent mold from damaging your walls and other parts of the bathroom.

Consider some of the most effective preventive measures that many homeowners have used to prevent the growth of mold in their bathrooms:

1. Remove moisture from the bathroom

Mold can’t thrive in a moisture-free environment. Since bathrooms are naturally full of moisture from the water and air in the bathroom. Hence, an effective preventive measure against mold growth is the complete elimination of moisture from it.

In order to remove moisture accumulating in your bathroom after each bath, do the following:

  • After having a shower or a bath, remove water from the shower walls. You can do this effortless with a squeegee and remove 75% of the moisture needed by growth and mildew to grow in your bathroom.
  • Run a bath fan. Complement your squeegeeing efforts by running bath fans while taking a shower or bath. Continue doing that for at least 30 minutes after the bath to continue flushing out the unwanted moisture.

If you desire to run this automatically in order to maximize the bath fan, fix a timer switch to the fan and you are good to go.

2. Use Grout Sealer

This is necessary if your bathroom is tiled. The space between the tiles can support moisture growth and mold growth since it is not waterproof.

To make the tiles waterproof, seal all the grout lines with the right grout sealer. Do this annually, and you will have reduced mold growth chances reasonably.

3. Fix the Leaks

Check your bathroom for leaks. A bathroom with leaks has increased chances of having mold since such leaks support moisture accumulation and mold growth.

You must resist the procrastinating attitude of “I’ll fix it at a more convenient time.” No. now is the right time to fix the problem before it gets out of hand and give you enough mold to last you for a long time.

You can hire a competent to assist you with the fixing if you can’t personally handle it. Blocking all potential loopholes will give you an edge in your efforts to prevent mold from taking over your bathroom and render it untidy and unpleasant to use.

4. Keep Your Towels and Rugs Clean Regularly

The bathroom rug, bath mat, towels, and others are ideal places where mold have better chances of growing and multiply. This is especially true if you have the habit of leaving such items unwashed for long.

Rather than leave them unwashed and create an enabling ground for mold growth, wash these items regularly. If you are the bust type, washing them together even once in a week will do the magic. You will always get a healthier and cleaner bathroom that is mold free if you can keep these items clean regularly.

Pay attention to other shower items too. Sponges, loofahs, and other items that are not useful should be removed from the bathroom. As these items dry, they have the potential for water retention and accumulation, making them the ideal breeding ground for the irritating mold.

It is common knowledge that the best way to get rid of mold in your bathroom is not to promote an environment that will support its growth. Thus, take all the preventive measures discussed in this article seriously and see the growth rate drop drastically.

On the other hand, if your bathroom has already become a playground for mold, remove them with the right solution. Follow up by implementing the preventive measures as well. That will be the best way to permanently remove mold from messing up your bathroom.

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