4 Simple Electronic Gadgets to Make at Home

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We do love DIY technology projects.

Today, several homemade electrical gadgets are pretty easy to set up, dependable in operation, smart and powerful – but how do you even start creating one?

We currently live in a golden age of gadget-making, as proven by these DIY technology projects. Save yourself some money and learn how to make these electronic gadgets by tackling one of them yourself.

Electronic gadgets can provide fun and entertainment to kids and adults. They can also be useful tools for performing simple tasks at home.

Interestingly, there are many simple electronic gadgets you can make at home. These DIY gadgets for beginners are pretty easy to make – and you can easily gather the required components from the nearby electronic shops or use the parts from discarded appliances.

The method is simple. The parts are economical. The finished gadget is practical.

That said, here are the 5 simple electronic gadgets to make at home:

Simple Electronic Gadgets to Make at Home

Below are some of the DIY gadgets for beginners that you can start making today from home:

1. DIY Electronic Desk Lamp

DIY electronic desk lamp

Electronic lamps bought in the store are a quick, effortless way to lighten up a room, but they can equally be a little boring because they are built to appeal to a whole lot of users. But, how about creating your own custom electronic lamp?

Lamps aren’t really costly though, but if you desire to make your own little portable electronic desk lamp, you can always find some useful information on the internet to put you through.

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Building an electronic desk lamp is particularly tricky, but you’ll need to have a little experience with electronics to carry out the job.

Things You Need

  • LED light panel (preferably 10V-15V)
  • Lamp cord with soldered plug (with one end open wires)
  • 2 12 V batteries
  • Soldering wire
  • Soldering gun
  • Black tape
  • AA-battery holder with switch and socket
  • Wooden desk lamp stand
  • Four small screws
  • Screwdriver
  • Black tape


  • Identify the positive and negative points on the LED light panel
  • Connect the open wire to each part
  • Solder using the solder gun and solder wire
  • Place the LED on the wooden desk lamp stand face
  • Fasten the screws through the tiny holes on the LED panel into the wooden desk lamp face
  • Seal the sides and edges of the panel with black tape onto the wooden desk lamp face
  • Place the two batteries into the AA-battery holder
  • Connect the plug to the battery holder socket
  • Turn on the switch The lamp glows

It is a very simple LED desk lamp which runs for one or two hours. You may use a rechargeable set of batteries for the lamp.

For a more in-depth understanding, here’s a short video on how to build a better DIY desk lamp:

2. DIY Electronic Home Computer

Have you ever tried to wonder how computers actually work?

Think about this. Computers are just another electrical/electronic device, just like a light bulb, consisting of static bits of silicon and metal.

When correctly assembled, these tiny electronic components can effortlessly store and manipulate information and data – and they can even have a significant impact on the real world.

After thinking about all these, we figured out that you can actually make your own DIY electronic home computer as part of our DIY technology projects.

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Therefore, if you want to build your own DIY electronic home computer, you’ll simply need a simple motherboard and some of the components listed below:

Things You Need

  • Motherboard: An Intel-P4 motherboard with processor and RAM (memory)
  • Data cables: You can get all the SATA/IDE and USB data -cables
  • Power cords: Power-cord for your PC and monitor
  • keyboard
  • computer mouse
  • hard-drive (168GB)
  • A good 19.5” monitor
  • ATX-cabinet with SMPS and power cables


Open one side of the cabinet (the other end is sealed) and place the motherboard on the opposite side (sealed) slot. A gentle press on the four sides of the board can lock it onto the slot.

You will find a four or eight pin connector on the motherboard.  Plug in the power cable into the pin slot.

Take the hard drive from the box and place it into the HDD slot in the cabinet. Push it in until it locks into the slot

Connect the Power cable from the SMPS to the HDD, the black end connects to the HDD, and the white end is at the SMPS

Connect the Data cable from the HDD to the motherboard pin

Close the cabinet

Connect the Mouse and Keyboard to the USB ports

Connect the video card to the monitor

Connect the power cords to the SMPS and the monitor plug them to power sources

Turn on the computer

The standard hard drive comes with an inbuilt Windows for a home operating system. Now you can start using the system for your simple home applications.

Here’s a short video guide to make it easier for you:

3. DIY Electronic Stereo Mixer

This simple passive DIY electronic stereo mixer displays resistors in use.

This simple stereo mixer will let us combine two stereo tracks into a single track, while also adjusting the volume of both tracks together and individually.

Let’s quickly get started.

Things You Need

  • Five Stereo input jacks (274-249)
  • One ALTOID Tin box (rectangle shape with two inches height and ten inches length
  • 22-gauge bare hook-up wire (One foot in diameter)
  • 8 1KOHM resistors (with 1/8 power rating)
  • 2 small size nose-pliers
  • One wire cutter
  • One caliper
  • One soldering gun
  • Permanent marker
  • Ground wire


Draw a center line across the ALTIOD tin box sides. It should be at a distance of 0.25″ from the base on both sides. You can insert the input jacks on the longer side of the tin and the output jacks on the shorter side of the tin. You can use a pencil or a permanent marker.

Make four holes along the length of the longer side of the tin. They should be at equal distances from each other. Make one hole each on the shorter two shorter sides of the tin box. You can use an electronic handheld driller. The diameter of the hole should be preferably 0.25”.

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Insert all the stereo jacks into the holes from inside the box. Make sure you have removed the retaining nuts from every jack before inserting.

Find the ground tab on the last or first jack. Connect the bare-22-gauge wire to the jack’s ground tab. Use the solder gun and solder the two with each other.

Your next task is to connect the rest of the wire to each ground tab on the other jacks and solder. Complete the soldering and insert the retainer nuts onto the jacks in their original positions. Fasten the bolts tightly onto the jacks. You can use the nose-pliers to bend the wire and draw it through.

Take one resistor and connect it to the center tab of the output jack tab in the tin box that is nearest to the input jack. Solder the resistor onto the jack.

Connect the other resistors to the mid-section of the other input jacks and solder. The lead of each resistor should connect to the previous resistor. The first resistor should connect to the center-tab of the output jack.

Connect the next resistor to the mid-section of the output jack which is close to the input jack. Solder. Connect the other end of the resistor to the outer-tab of the first output jack.

Connect the outer-tab of the first input jack to the resistor on the outer jack. Continue the connection until all the outer tabs of the input jacks are connected to the outer-tab of the output jack through the resistors. Solder every connection.

Connect the music player output to the input jack of the tin box. Connect the output jack to the speaker.

Now, you can play music. Experience the difference in sound output. It will be much higher than the ones you ever got before.

This video will help make the process of building a DIY electronic stereo mixer easier for you:

4. DIY Electronic Night Lamp Jar

DIY electronic night lamp jar

Source: stylemotivation.com

This gorgeous DIY electronic night lamp jar provides a warm, soft glow in the dark so that it can be used anywhere – hallway, bedroom, sitting room, dark stairway – or in any dark place!

Things You Need

  • Large or medium glass jar
  • One Toroidal-Transformer
  • One NPN-Transistor
  • One Photo-Transistor
  • One LED light
  • 10k Resistor
  • The 2-meter thin wire used in electronic circuits


Connect the positive side of the battery to the one end of Toroidal-Transformer. Usually, it is one of the three copper coils. The recommended practice is to solder the wires.

Connect the second end of the transformer to the NPN-Transistor.  The recommended practice is to solder the wires.

Connect the third coil of the transformer to the 10K resistor. The recommended practice is to solder the wires.

Connect one end of the resistor to the NPN-Transistor and the other end to the photo-transistor.  The recommended practice is to solder the wires.

Connect the other part of the NPN-resistor to the one end of the white LED. The recommended practice is to solder the wires.

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In the next step, you have to connect the negative side of the battery to the Photo-Transistor, NPN-Transistor, and the second end of the white LED in parallel. The recommended practice is to solder the wires.

You need to use a breadboard to make the installations, so it remains stable. You can seal the bread-board to the small wooden board. Now you can insert the assembly into the glass jar. You may choose a colored glass to increase the visual effects.

The phototransistor can detect daylight from the exterior of the jar. When you take it into a dark room, the LED starts glowing since the circuit is closed. When you bring to the daylight, the circuit opens, and the LED lamp stops glowing.  So, you don’t need a switch to turn on and off the light.

Follow the short video below for a better understanding:

 Diy Technology Projects | Conclusion

Creativity is the primary ingredient for exploring simple electronic gadgets to make at home. Your imagination is the limit for practical applications. Read through the section of making your own DIY technology projects – then you’ll know how fast and straightforward the process could be.

You can use it from your kitchen budgets to learning art and music in your free time. If your budget gives you more freedom, it is possible to get the advanced version of the assembly and the components.

The primary benefit of assembling a DIY electronic gadget is scalability. You can add the number of components to make them work better than they do now.

You can apply similar logic to the other homemade electrical gadgets. Then you will see how you can put your genius brains into ultimate utility. Every device you make will simplify and speed up your everyday mundane tasks. So, you get more free time for your hobbies and experiments with technology.

Safety and protection from hazards are the primary criteria should remember and follow while making innovative gadgets at home. If they are not meant for kids, it is better to keep them away from kid’s reach. If they are for kids, you can let them enjoy the benefits of playing and working with them.

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